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Scholars Bangladesh is going to celebrate the "Non Resident Bangladeshi Day" for the first time on 30 December 2017. Do you think it is necessary to have such day to celebrate togetherness and also the pride of Bengali culture and heritage across the world?


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Name: Roni
Addres: Dhaka
Have to supply computers in rural area's schools.
Name: Md. Minhaj Billah
Addres: chittagong,Bangladesh
I have to say that our it based industrial sector doesn't grow properly.I think this is the reason for lack of technical knowledge.At first,we'll need proper education system. I mean that when a student complete his/her graduation or any level of study,he/she must be able to do something at his/her level.I also want to say that i didn't see more it based industry and industrialist.We have to motivate our businessmen to involve in it based industry.
Name: mohammed
Addres: Ottawa, Canada
Government should implement a mandate to tackle, computer misuse act, copyright act and patent act.
Name: asaduzzaman
Addres: kushtia
For making the bangladesh digitl, take incentive care of students of this field. Cause, they will be the key to make bangladesh digital.
Name: Md. Zea-ul Islam Khan
Addres: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bangladesh is growing IT industry. We should cultivate it.
Name: Md. Zea-ul Islam Khan
Addres: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bangladesh is growing IT industry. We should cultivate it.
Name: Mamun,B.Sc. in CSE(KUET),Software Engineer & Freelancer.
Addres: Dhaka,Bangladesh.
If we implement a rules that,Our Last semester IT student must will train our rural people with free of cost and if Gov. Mange the whole program,Then I think we can make IT enabled of our villagers.For this,at least one modern computer lab should be developed in each Thana.Beside this if we take our submarine cable to our village and manage training for our villagers over internet(using web cam,video conferencing etc.) by our IT professional then we can start our journey for a digital Bangladesh.Actually I want to say,we need to take care our rural people.Moreover, for ecommerce we should start standard electronic money transferring system like papal,alert pay etc. immediately.
Name: Mohammad Zaman
Addres: Millburn, New Jersey, USA
We need to have a farmland for Cloud Computing to get into the Information Technology of the Global Organizations If we are looking at the current IT landscape, Cloud Computing is one of a very few line item in the budget where spending is accelerating, along with mobile technology. We have one fundamental asset, and in a very differentiating way, people, and no shortage of it. We need to create a comprehensive plan utilize this massive asset, to develop Cloud Computing breeding ground, where we can make ourselves known. I have been in the industry for more 15 years, and with 20+ years of IT background, and I can see clearly this is where we can take a massive leap to bypass any other global competitor. Steps: 1) Build world class redundant data center 2) Build capability to operate data center technology 3) Build capability to operate cloud platforms 4) Culture latest programming technology into our standard curricula 5) Start promoting nation-wide competition for applications related to mobile technology using Public-Private-Partnership 6) Start developing methods, procedures, and human expertise to administer 7) Contribute to open technologies and create new 8) Create high-level board and working committees with rotating leadership with encouragement of young leaders 9) Bring global leaders to test out the talents and exhibits 10) Make global leaders member/chair or different working committees to nurture opportunities 11) Promote withing the NRBs and encourage to participate 12) Appoint international sales and support channels using public-private-partnership in prospect countries with charter to targeted sales onjectives 13) Continuously market in global events and bring global events to Bangladesh 14) Create/maintain emerging technology learning channels using web/classroom 15) Allow easily accessible funds with oversight I would say, this is definitely the time and place for it!! And let's do it..
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