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Scholars Bangladesh is going to celebrate the


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www.scholarsbangladesh.com has set up a foundation to help talented but needy Bangladeshi students and scholars. This Foundation will also set up award programmes, named after Bangladeshis living abroad.
Scholars Bangladesh has set up NRB Foundation to help talented students who need economic assistance. If they can have financial support as recognition for their talent and commitment in the field of education, they will be able to serve the nation in future. NRB Foundation also aims to recognize the best teachers who have contributed in their area of expertise with their extraordinary work. Scholars Bangladesh will award best teacher(s) and best student(s) from different departments of different public universities through NRB Foundation . Any Non Resident Bangladeshi may choose to contribute to the NRB Foundation to fund this reward and recognition. The fund provider may choose the name of the award, the department and the institution that s/he is interested to contribute to.

Other than recognition and award in the field of education, Scholars Bangladesh is socially committed to uplift the Ethical Value of the people of our country, hence the image of the nation. In this regards, NRB Foundation, a sub project of Scholars Bangladesh, has proposed to organize Ethics Club at Business Schools/Departments/Institutions. Simultaneously, NRB Foundation will organize advocacy program on "Moral and Ethical Values", which includes essay competition in three age groups and publication of the final findings. With this advocacy program NRB Foundation aims to promote ethical practices in the society and long term sustainability of the economic development.

Project - 1
" Best Teacher and Best Student Award "

It is our honor to mention that Scholar of the Year, Prof. Fazle Karim, Artist Monirul Islam ( Spain ) has donated their monetary portion of the award to the NRB Foundation to award Best Student and Best Teacher for Dhaka Medical College and for Stage Theater. Mr. Obiadullah Mamoon ( New York ) has also contributed to the Foundation to donate to the Stage Theater. Dr. Nuran Nabi and Dr. Zeenat Nabi from New Jersey will be financing the award in the area of Biochemistry of University of Dhaka.

Upcoming Program Proposed by Scholars Bangladesh
Recognition & Award Distribution Program:
Donar/ Organizations Institute/Reward Department Year
Dr. Nuran Nabi
Dr. Zeenat Nabi
University of Dhaka

Best Student & Best Teacher
In the area of Biochemistry

Prof. Fazle Karim Dhaka Medical College Best Student & Best Teacher at Dhaka Medical College 2008
Artist Monirul Islam (Spain)
Mr. Obiadullah Mamoon (New York)
Stage drama award in honor of Abdullah Al-Mamoon & Salim Al - Deen

Seven distinct areas of Stage Theater
Best Teacher & Best Student of Dhaka Art College


Scholars Bangladesh will organize the entire award distribution ceremony and it will tentatively take place in February, 2009. The best students & teachers will be selected by the next December, 2008.

Scholar of the Year
From left side Prof. Fazle Hassain (Education & Research), Mr. Iqbal Quadir (Science Technology & Innovation), Dr. A B M F Karim (Health & Medicine), Mr. Horipada Kapali (Science Technology & Innovation) , Dr. M R Khan (Health & Medicine), Mr. Kalim Sharafi (Art and Culture), Mr. Monirul Islam (Art and Culture) Dr. Jamal Nazrul Islam(Eduction and Research).
You may recommand a scholars of the year in the following link Click Here

Scholar of the Year Award 2007
Also, Scholars Bangladesh has already started to award “Scholar of the Year” from the “First NRB Conference-2007”. Renowned Scholars and Professionals living home and abroad were recognized for extraordinary achievements in their respected field in the following categories:
Field For Honored NRB Awardees Local Awardees
Art & Culture Zainul Abedin Mr. Monirul Islam Mr. Kalim Sharafi
Science, Technology & Innovation F. R. Khan Mr. Iqbal Quadir Mr. Horipada Kapali
Health & Medicine Dr. M Ibrahim Dr. M R Khan Dr. A B M F Karim
Education & Research Dr. Kudrat E Khuda Prof. Fazle Hussain Dr. Jamal Nazrul Islam

Scholars Bangladesh will continue this effort in every NRB Professional Conference.


Advocacy Program to improve
"Moral and Ethical Values"
A Proposed essay competition among three age-categories on "Declining Rate of Moral and Ethical Values"


To wipe out the roots of corruption, terrorism and the anti-social barriers of economic emancipation, the deep rooted ethical value is badly needed. The image of our country, society, as well as family is simply declining due to social pressure of maintaining money based status quotes. It is clearly observed and evident that to have a wealthy life, people are abusing their power and merits in which morality and ethical values are not considered and corruption is spreading fast. We need an immediate national campaign program on "Moral and Ethical Values" for coming out of this complicated situation.

Scholars Bangladesh has been dealing with Non Resident Bangladeshis over the years. Last year it has organized the "First NRB Conference-2007". Bangladeshi Scholars around the globe participated at the Conference to join hands with us aiming to develop the socio-economic condition of Bangladesh . Scholars Bangladesh has chalked out a proposal to form a 25 member group from all over Bangladesh to produce a key -note paper on "Declining Rate of Moral and Ethical Values". The all selected 25 members have to prepare the said paper and to send us within a specified time. Similarly the Organization, Scholars Bangladesh has taken initiatives to perform research in finding out the loopholes behind non-implementing the moral, values and ethics in the society. Also, in this connection, the Founder and Chairman, M E Chowdhury Shahmeem himself has taken initiatives to organize an open essay competition on the above mentioned subject.

Background of this Project:

The present economic as well as political situation of this country emphasizes the damaged condition of government mechanism as well as personal characteristics of common people. A country like Bangladesh , in which people are deprived of having fundamental needs and wants, some corrupted people are making their wealth through unlawful means. This total mechanism does not value ethics and morality. Therefore, it is clearly understood why this country is failing to reach its optimum level of economic scale. Family, society, country, as well as business communities are facing a lot of difficulties due to the lack of basic level of ethical values. We all know that to re-build our nation, we need to build up ethical values and create awareness among all sphere of life around Bangladesh in this regards.

The proposed 25 members are to be selected from different educational organizations that are mentioned in planning section. These 25 members are to put together their thoughts and ideas on "Declining Rate of Moral and Ethical Values" in Bangladesh .

For essay competition three age categories have been finalized [Category A (18 to 24 years), Category B (25 to 31 years), and Category C (above 35 years)]. The basic objective of this essay competition is to know how the people of different age group value the ethics and morality in Bangladesh . The outcome and suggestions from the papers will be used for future campaign & awareness development program.

Planning the Project:

Scholars Bangladesh will receive the paper from the selected 25 members. Then all the 25 write-ups will be compiled and the compiled copies are to be distributed among the 25 members for review. After receiving the final feedback from the review, an editorial board from Scholars Bangladesh will publish a report on the findings.

[The distribution of the above mentioned 25 members is proposed in the following manner: Five from renowned Primary Schools, Seven from High School, Seven from Colleges and Six from Public and Private Universities .]

The essay competition on "Declining Rate of Moral and Ethical Values" is to be held in mid of August in Dhaka , Bangladesh . When the participants send their essay(s) to the office of Scholars Bangladesh, the office will store them in due manner and will send them to the selected 25 personnel for grading. The graded essay(s) will be sent to the Scholars Bangladesh Office for final processing. For transparency in grading, the essay papers are to be sent to the particular selected personnel without the name of the candidates. A secret marking is to be followed. Once the final grading is done, the editorial board of Scholars Bangladesh will work on publication and go for detail campaign program for awareness creation and implementation.

Prize and Recognition:

The 1st Prize of this category is BDT 25,000; 2nd Category is BDT 15,000, and the 3rd one is BDT 10,000.The total amount of 1st prize is BDT 25,000*3= BDT 75,000, 2nd prize is BDT 15,000*3=BDT 45,000, and 3rd prize is BDT 10,000*3= BDT 30,000 consecutively. The total amount stands at BDT 1, 50,000.

The winners will also get certificates as part of recognition.

The whole process is expected to end by February 2009.

Project - 3

" Ethics Club at Business Schools in Bangladesh "


Scholars Bangladesh , organizer of the "First NRB Conference-2007" is trying hard to connect Scholars and Professionals of Bangladesh residing and working all over the world. Right now, these scholars do not have a common network. Hundreds of fine scholars, working in fields as diverse as nuclear technology to medicine to media, are working all over the world. Scholars Bangladesh will help them come together under one common umbrella. With one touch on their keyboard, they can now communicate with each other, share their thoughts, and seek help in any personal or professional areas. Many developing countries like India and Malaysia have already adopted measures to repatriate their scholars living abroad. These countries have taken realistic measures to employ them in their respective fields of experience with the assurance of providing them with due recognition and satisfactory compensation package. We feel that the government of Bangladesh should also undertake similar programs to attract the Bangladeshi Scholars to their homeland. In order to do that, the government should first of all locate and identify our distinguished scholars abroad and who may, if provided with job satisfaction realize the responsibility to contribute to the development of Bangladesh.

On the other hand particularly in Bangladeshi soil, the business oriented students who are working for Business Studies at different business Schools are the main concern for this particular project. This organization, Scholars Bangladesh has taken initiatives to build up strong ethical values among the existing students in and around Business Schools in Greater Dhaka and in Bangladesh . It is believed that if our Business Studies Students can build higher moral in their study time, it will be helpful for both society and the country, and it is hoped that they can contribute more towards creating sustainable development of the nation.

Feasibility Study :

It is a one year proposed project, and it can be applicable to the Business Schools in Dhaka City for the 1st Phase. Gradually it will spread all over the Bangladesh . It is keenly observed and evident that most of the students, who are receiving their degrees from different Business Schools, often face complications while they are trying to apply business concepts learned academically as well as moral ethics into the real world. Therefore, it is the time to set standard of ethics and students are bound to practice that besides their major area of study. Morality and Ethical Values are the vital part of human beings; therefore, if we are not building up high moral & ethics at early level of lives; it is really difficult to sustain in this complicated and competitive global world. The whole approach indicates that students should be grown up within the time frame and a set of standard is to be followed particularly on Ethical and Moral instances. The proposed project is feasible as because most of us are not thinking about our morality and ethical values and we are simply moving towards commercialized paves than professionalized ways. It is our observation that a distinction is made between stakeholder analysis and stakeholder synthesis. The two most natural kind of stakeholder synthesis are then defined and discussed as strategic and multi fiduciary paradoxically, the former appears to yield business without ethics, and the latter appears to yield ethics without business. It is suggested that third approach to stakeholder thinking needs to be developed, one that avoids the paradox just mentioned & that clarifies for managers (and director), the legitimate rule of ethical consideration in decision making. It is a must for a management to be accountable for stockholders interest for short term and long term sustainability.

Concept & Thoughts about Ethics Club:

Student Organization for Business Ethics and Research (SOBER) is a student-centered organization based at New York , USA , aiming to explore, learn and promote ethics among business students and in the business world. The primary objective of the organization is to provide students with a vibrant test lab to expand their theoretical understanding and turn theory into sustainable business practices. SOBER also promotes business practices that contribute to the development of trust between local communities and the business world. SOBER activities include research on international context of ethics that is necessary for the business to sustain in the future. SOBER value the ideas that channel benefits of a global and multicultural existence in the business world.

The concept of Business Ethics Club was actually originated in the State University of New York (SUNY), USA ; and it was basically sketch, designed and implemented by Ms.Dilara Afroz Khan, CEO, Scholars Bangladesh. On the basis of that particular model which has been implemented successfully at the said University, it is going to be established at the Business Schools of Bangladesh . The technical know-how of this particular concept can vary boundary to boundary, region to region above all from country to country. But the basic features of this model are to be kept intact.

The main theme or message of this Business Ethics Club is to enrich the business students morally and ethically. At the first stage of formation of group the ideas are to disseminate to the student counselor office, then students and teachers. Students are to be asked through student counselor to gather, form and to receive brochures, pamphlets and related matters of the said subject; and finally a committee is to be formed. The committee should be formed by the students and teachers and supervised by Scholars Bangladesh. In the second stage of development a free discussion is to take place at a scheduled business school on Moral & Business Ethics. At third stage a workshop is to take place at the same place. The key Resource Person is to deliver speech on Moral & Business Ethics; and the participants include i) Students ii) Teachers iii) Guardians. The Q/A session as well as brainstorming will take place and findings will come out. Scholars Bangladesh will continuously follow up the whole procedure and take prompt action on feedback.
Implementation Plan :

As per our project criteria, at the initial stage, we would like to set up Advisory Committee for students, headed by Dean/Director with two other faculties of the respective Business Schools / Institutions/ Department at different Business Schools. Discussion Sessions, workshops will be organized at the school premise. Students, Teachers and Guardians are to be invited. The follow up session is to be continued organized by the Executive Committee, formed with business students of Senior Level. In this follow up process the Advisory Committee and the members from Scholars Bangladesh are to visit the respective Business School according to pre-set schedule. Scholars Bangladesh will prepare a set of questionnaires to gather data and on the basis of that collected information, the preliminary session for discussion and workshops are to be followed. The proposed names of the Business Schools where Scholars Bangladesh expects to launch the program are given beneath:

•  Institute of Business Administration ( IBA) at Dhaka University
•  North South University
•  East West University
•  BRAC University
•  Independent University
•  American International University of Bangladesh .
•  Victoria University

Structure of Business Ethics Club :

The structure of Business Ethics Club is proposed to be of three tiers. The tiers are Advisory Committee, Executive Committee and the last one is Support Group. The Advisory Committee is consisted of three Active Faculty Advisors from Business Schools, headed by the Dean/Director; the Executive Committee will be formulated with students of Senior Level in the following posts, a President, two Vice Presidents, a General Secretary, a Treasurer and Four General Members. The last tier of this proposed Ethics Club at Business School in Bangladesh is Support Group. Any student from the Business School/Department, who believes in the vision of the Ethics Club, may register in the support group.

The structure of all three tiers is presented below:

First Tier:

Advisory Committee consisting of three active faculty members from the business schools/departments/institutions, headed by the Dean/Director.

Second Tier:
Executive Committee will be formulated with students of Senior Level in the following posts, one President, two Vice Presidents, one General Secretary, one Treasurer and Four General Members.

Third Tier:

Support Group is the last tier of this proposed Ethics Club at Business School in Bangladesh . Any student from the Business School/Department/Institution, who believes in the vision of the Ethics Club, may register in the support group. It means they are to be considered as the "Vision Believer".

There will be four quarterly meeting in a calendar year with support group, executive committee, the advisory committee and members from Scholars Bangladesh. Member(s) from the support group may be adapted to the executive committee based on individual participation at four quarterly meetings, different programs organized by the Ethics Club, contribution towards the campaign of the Ethics Club, as well as the scouting act. It means how they bring the motto to others.

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Founder & President: M E Chowdhury Shameem
Janata Tower, Level 8, Software Technology Park (STP),
Kawran Bazar, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
Phone: +88-02-44810017-18, +88-02-44810026-27
Email: [email protected]

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