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Scholars Bangladesh is going to celebrate the "Non Resident Bangladeshi Day" for the first time on 30 December 2017. Do you think it is necessary to have such day to celebrate togetherness and also the pride of Bengali culture and heritage across the world?


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Name: Taufiq Haider Chowdhury
Addres: Changsha, China
"The necessities of a pomp, grandeur, and privatized port In Bangladesh" According to the Privatization Commission of Bangladesh, port and container handling is one of the thrusting sectors for privatization from among six other sectors such as Power Sector, Natural Gas and Oil Exploration, Tele Communication, Transport Sector, Aviation & Tourism, Banking & Insurance etc. There are quite bright prospects of private sector participation in improving port services in Mongla and Chittagong and in handling container services in the ports and other areas. The cargo handling in the port, which handles 80 percent of the country's export-import trade, often come to halt because of miss management and improper act of union leaders. The shippers on average have to count an extra 5,000 dollars loss every day in operational costs for each stranded ship. Given the delays and congestions at ports, leading to extensive demurrage charges for ships, a lot of attention on improving port productivity through better management systems and infrastructure developments are considered. There are numerous aims for privatization. First, privatization would attract new foreign direct investments, which would increase productivity and competitiveness. The investments would bring the port service up to international levels of efficiency. Second, privatization would increase trade at the national and regional levels, and directly or indirectly create jobs. Finally, introducing market based labor reform would reduce port labor costs on the public budget. However, a cohesive cooperation is expected from all related governmental organizations in order to provide a competitive condition in the commercial ports across the country. Let�s not procrastinate over the massive reforms of our port and cargo handling system before it gets bogged down. Taufiq Haider Chowdhury Central South University Changsha, Hunan China [email protected]
Name: Topu Rahman
Addres: NY, USA
The chittagong port management should go through privatization.
Name: Sharfuddin Ahmed
Addres: Hamburg,Germany
CTG Port and Hamburg Port we try to makes a Good Frindship Relation for Mordern facility and etc, When ist became true then CTG port earn Lot of Currency and with various neighbour country, I can ensure its makes lots of New Job (100000-100000000) Now Hamburg port had 14 Partner Port in round the world We are NRB in Hamburg try to makes this dream comes true, We need now support from Our Bangladeshi Govt. for further details pls, contact with me, I have an idea for Ctg,port develapment in bangladesh Last 30 dec 2007 in Seminar 15 i habe a small spech over ctg Port,in NRB Conferance
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