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Scholars Bangladesh is going to celebrate the "Non Resident Bangladeshi Day" for the first time on 30 December 2017. Do you think it is necessary to have such day to celebrate togetherness and also the pride of Bengali culture and heritage across the world?


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Name: Syed Nasimul Khair
Addres: London. United Kingdom
I have 2 suggestion -: a) Creat a " Naypal " as soon as possible b) Separation of judiciary
Name: Ruhul Amin
Addres: bd
dear honorable, please take the necessary step belongs to the violence.....for the dish culture our teen agers are going to destroy. they hv no knowledge about our bangladeshi culture, about religious culture. and they are not interested to know that. they are interested only on bombay or western culture. i think it will occur a big affect in our scoiety. they dont obey any scoial law and they are going to make a free sex country...violence by the blue film ruin there huminity. school(mainly english midium school), college and university student are going to interest in free sex and that ar broadcasting by mms......it is very dangerous i think. plz stop the several sattelite chanel and control about the blue films.
Name: Advocate Solaiman Mozumder
Addres: Dhaka,Bangladesh
I think that Govt. have to enact some laws mentioned in The following: 01. Medical Law 02. Public Nucience Act 03. Cyber law and some other necessary laws as trhe demand of time .
Name: Javed
Addres: Dhaka
there should be certain law that all the member of parliament have to present in all the sessions of the parliament except any valid reason.
Name: M.A.Razzak
Addres: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Land registration system must be updated on the pragmatic measures through the developed countries' experiences viz. nordic countries like Norway, Sweden, Finland, Albania, Check republic and others where all related services are available from registration umbrella.
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