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Scholars Bangladesh is going to celebrate the "Non Resident Bangladeshi Day" for the first time on 30 December 2017. Do you think it is necessary to have such day to celebrate togetherness and also the pride of Bengali culture and heritage across the world?


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Name: Kallal Som
Addres: Kolkata, India
Having to have south asia's standar education system ( Benchmark might be the A1 grade education process followed in India ). And all this should be in Bengalee.
Name: Topu Rahman
Addres: NY, USA
The ministry should create a database of non-residence Bangladeshis. But as this is a huge task the ministry can delegate the work. This Scholars-Bangladesh website is trying to create that database. SO, the ministry can provide the necessary help & support to the website. They can announce this scholars-bangladesh database as the official database of Bangladesh for non-resident Bangladeshi scholars.
Name: Anwarul Kabir
Addres: Toronto, Canada
Dear Advisor, It is our pleasure to contact with you through Scholars Bangladesh. I was little concern about present Govornments action in several sectors. And one of the most important folio you deserve, it's also our proud. The concern about Canada mission and there office in Ottawa. As a president of Bangladesh Society S.C. it is our kind of responsibility to build strong relationship with both of the society that is our own Bangladesh and new one Canada. We do have very good and string relationship among us. The concern is we are about 50/55 thousands of Bangladeshi lived in Toronto, on the other hand there is only 2/3 thousands of Bangladeshi are leiving in Ottawa. That is our long time request to Honorable Foreign Ministy to consider the facts and cercumstance to have set up a visa council office here in Toronto. It is fact that in the year 2007, four family member were killed in car accident on the way to go Ottawa from Toronto to having visa to visit Bangladesh. It is not enough to just come every three month and try to solve that huge problem. Moreover, we have our high commission office in Ottawa is write in Downtown and the rent of this building is to high and on the other hand one of the smart high commisioner who bought an expensive and huge home where you can park 25 cars in the lown, and we have to pay for everything. I would request to you,Would you Please look after this metter seriously. Oviously it will bring wright services to the hard working peopele and save their time and money. At the same time we will save thousands of dollers just to shift office into the wright place in Ottawa. It would me excellent if you please inform me your action concerning this serious meter. Yours Truly Anwarul Kabir President Bangladesh Society S.C. Toronto, Canada [email protected]
Name: Sohel Mahboob
Addres: Dhaka
Open embassy in West Africa. They like us and we should expand our business base there, period.
We need more staff & officer in Bangladesh High Commission like as before 5 years. Here some post of officers abolished or withdrawan, which need again now as we are suffering because only one third secretary working here with high commissioner. They are so busy and can not help Bangladeshi.
We need South African High Commission in Dhaka, Bangladesh as we are now sufering many Bangladeshi as South African citizen living here.
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