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Scholars Bangladesh is going to celebrate the "Non Resident Bangladeshi Day" for the first time on 30 December 2017. Do you think it is necessary to have such day to celebrate togetherness and also the pride of Bengali culture and heritage across the world?


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Name: Zakariar al Imam
Addres: Dhaka,Bangladesh
Divide & conquer approach to cover whole area. Distributed approach makes faster result. Re use of resources makes less resource requirement. Digital photography dose not uses films and can easily be processed. An Object oriented multimedia database can eliminate redundancy in voter list. I have already submitted a proposal at EC. My M.S course contained advanced digital image processing & Advanced OODB & RDBMS. Even I can build this software with 99.98% accuracy. Images of voters along with details could be accrued spending around 1,50,00,000 man hour in my calculation. It could be like 20,000 people X 8 hours/day X 93 days or 60,000 people X 8 hours/day X 32 days. India has started electronic voting system a few years a go. Just think about what you are doing. It is 2006; we have the expertise and technologies, why should people suffer for EC�s ignorance.
Name: Topu Rahman
Addres: NY, USA
Electionh commission has taken a good step by creating national ID for the voters. Now they have to take it a step further. This ID number should be used everywhere. Like the passport number, the driving license number, the birth registration number etc. All this numbers should be the same. This way we can create a unified database.
Name: Mohammed
Addres: Ottawa, Canada
I think the forums of political parties before election should be forbidden. Each polital part must be registered and must take part in the national elections. Each party must win atleast one sit in the national assembly, failing to do so will lose their registration. Forming of polital platform will be allowed after the election. This will give the voter more choices and political parties will have more competetion.
Name: Mohammed
Addres: Ottawa, Canada
I think the forums of political parties before election should be forbidden. Each political part must be registered and must take part in the national elections. Each party must win at least one sit in the national assembly, failing to do so will lose their registration. Forming of political platform will be allowed after the election. This will give the voter more choices and political parties will have more competition.
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