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Scholars Bangladesh is going to celebrate the "Non Resident Bangladeshi Day" for the first time on 30 December 2017. Do you think it is necessary to have such day to celebrate togetherness and also the pride of Bengali culture and heritage across the world?


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Name: imran & nasim
Addres: dhaka
why dont u reduce the charge the of mobile call charge ?? AND WHY coulect 1200 taka vat on mobile sim ??
Name: Md.Najmul Haider
Addres: Mirpur, Dhaka
Specially in my opinion, most of the IT graduates are now leading in most prominent IT firm in Both abroad and Bangladesh. In considered with our population, we have to persue our IT graduates to return at home for building better atmosphere, where they will feedbake their quality, on the other hand , I emphasize that we along with strong population, can seek a job in IT sector if they are trained properly. By doing this we can find our soul in the market of IT sector and We could be reach our goal.
Name: Ishtiaq Rouf
Addres: Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Cover the major cities like Dhaka, Chittagong, etc with a wireless network for free. It hardly costs anything compared to the possible returns. We have more bandwidth (with fibre optic cables in place) than we could ever use. Govt has no way to utilize these. Let collective professionals set up a system. Compare it to subsidizing petrolium. A little "loss" here would eventually cause a software development boom that will help us a lot more.
Name: Dr Altaf M Hossain
Addres: Sharjah , UAE,
Send some expert to see how the Telecom. Sectors grown in UAE & Singapore. Learn from the benchmark and improve the Bangladesh T&T to its fullest extent. As Information has got a lot of potentiality to grow in the competition. BD Govt could earn a huge income from the private sector telecom. which the earlier governments did not perceive how much to be the tax/levy on them. Also let govt. take good initiative to develop its GSM and internet , Webs sectors to earn a huge amount for the exchequer . I am over 26 years in this country and visiting other parts could suggest enormous new ideas how our country could develop provided good governance is done, motivate the people to a mass flow to help each other. Govt. need to create awareness among people within the limit of politics.
Name: Zahir
Addres: Dhaka
the ministry should make certain laws to decrease the call rate of mobile phone.
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